Use the resources to greatest effect

Searching for a job is considerably easier than it has been in previous times if you have access to the Internet. There are now are significant number of job sites, each of which are setup to help you find the right vacancy for you. It is estimated that over 70% of job vacancies are now advertised on the web, reducing the usefulness of the now old-fashioned 'Job Section' of the newspaper.

When looking for vacancies it is important that you have a clear idea of the type of job you would like. It helps you decide whether you look for niche specific website that details jobs in a niche where you are highly skilled, or you search a general job site where you are keen to find out the types of vacancies available in certain roles you'd be interested to work. Either way, it is important that you don't become inflexible. You will invariably have formed the image of the 'ideal job' in your head, though it is important you are prepared to compromise if needed.

Once you have identified vacancies that appeal you do not necessarily have to apply for all of them. It is often more productive to select two or three job vacancies and then tailor you CV to their requirements. Be selective - don't think because you apply to 10 jobs rather than 3 then you are 7 times more likely to land one. The important factor is that you are an attractive candidate for a particular role - and a CV adapted to the job requirements is a positive start.


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